Any audiophiles brewing beer?

Just curious if any audiophiles have gotten themselves into this hobby too?

It's a complicated recipee for the Dog 120, which is from an old issue of Zymurgy. The short of it: first pitch with a High Gravity Ale Yeast, followed in a few days by a second pitch of Champagne or Eau de Vie (sp?) yeast, followed by ten days of "feeding" with highly fermentable sugar, like dextrose, and very high IBU hops. Beer reminded me a bit of Sherry, tho it was surprisingly light in body, and had a bit of whiskey burn. Not the first thing I'd try, but if you're brewing regularly, a memorable challenge. John
Got a couple of friends who have been doing all grain in NYC apartments for a year or so -- which strikes me as an unnecessarily high degree of difficulty -- and I've just started into it myself. Have a batch of dark, belgian-style strong ale about to move to a secondary, and heading out to get supplies for #2 this afternoon. Think partial grain is as far as I may be willing to take this in a fourth-floor walkup, but we'll see....
just saw this thread - I used to be a very active homebrewer, starting with kits and moving up to formulating my own recipes. Eventually I got too crazy and was putting too much malt in, and then I got some contamination problems, and my brewing partners lost interest. Haven't done it for several years now.

The best beers I ever brewed myself were a cinnamon brown, and an ESB. As far as my favorite commercial brews, IMO nothing out there beats Fuller's ESB. Simply a perfect beer, the smoothest I have ever had, and excellently hopped. My own ESB was as close as an approximation as I could get.
Yes, goes hand in hand with hifi!
"Relax, don't worry, have a homebrew" is like "Play Records". Been making homebrew since '84.
One of my old time favs is the Charlie Pappazon "Cherries in the Snow". Still make a batch for Xmas every year.