Regarding Daedalus speakers, the specs indicate they can be driven with lowish power amps, but a discussion I had with Lou Hinkley revealed that he believes more power is better with his least as it applied to my room and preferences.
Having heard Lou's speakers with both low powered SET amps as well as high-current, high-output solid state amps (Modwright), I can tell you my impression: they sound superb both ways, but definitely seem to have more drive and impact with the latter, while possibly creating a more holographic illusion with the former (I did NOT hear them one after the other, but at entirely different times and in entirely different spaces). One further observation - using the SET amps I did not get the feeling, as I often do with SET systems, that bass was severely handicapped. I sure wouldn't have kicked the SET combo out of bed though, but I believe that was with a pair of very expensive SET amps if I'm not mistaken. In neither case were those systems easy to get up and walk away from - both were highly engaging. His speakers are on my own short list of something to try at home. Unfortunately, I don't know if the space I have would gel with them though (I listen about 8 feet from my speakers), and I'm very happy with my Coincident speakers. The Coincidents are also highly sensitive (97db at nearly flat 10 ohms), and also, at least in the case of the Super Eclipse III's, very good with high-current, high-power SS. A recent review in TAS of his more current, larger speakers with radically different tweeters, stated the reviewer did not think they were as well suited for SS amps as were his earlier models (with silk dome tweets). Lou's speakers definitely swing both ways effortlessly.