Ct0517 - I have listened at length to several SP10's both MkII and Mk3 both with and without the krebsupgrade. To my ears none of them are particularly transparent. Both the Micro Seiki 5000 ( air bearing ) and Ipad (on BDR cones with Cambridge 840 DAC ) sound more resolving, more fluid in terms of timing and have an openness that eludes the Technics.
Re the mats - I've compared the std, stainless and copper and preferred the copper - a bit more focus and cleaner through the mids. The Mk3 is substantially better than the MkII - less jittery and grainy, but bear in mind the Mk3 platter is considerably heavier and more damped than the MkII. In my view playing around with mats on the MkII merely highlights its shortcomings, and you may be better off with something relatively benign rather than resolving.
Re the mats - I've compared the std, stainless and copper and preferred the copper - a bit more focus and cleaner through the mids. The Mk3 is substantially better than the MkII - less jittery and grainy, but bear in mind the Mk3 platter is considerably heavier and more damped than the MkII. In my view playing around with mats on the MkII merely highlights its shortcomings, and you may be better off with something relatively benign rather than resolving.