Other than music, why are you an audiophile?

I would hope that the first reason why anyone is an audiophile is that they love music. I’m going to assume we all have that in common. So the question is: Other than music, why are you an audiophile?

I’ve had an interest in audio and hifi for twenty years, but it took me a long time, and a fair amount of introspection, to come up with a good answer. My answer is personal. It may not be true of anyone else. Here it is:

Other than music, I’m interested in audio because I’m fascinated by EMERGENCE. The concept of ‘emergence’ has been around for at least a century. It has been used by philosophers and scientists to mean a whole that is “greater than the sum of its parts.” More technically, emergence is a relation between system-level characteristics and component-level characteristics. A system’s characteristics EMERGE from the characteristics of its components when…

(1) The system’s characteristics are DIFFERENT IN KIND from the characteristics of its components.

(2) The system’s characteristics are CAUSED BY the characteristics of its components.

(3) The system’s characteristics are DIFFICULT TO PREDICT from the characteristics of its components.

What does this have to do with audio? Everything. In an audio system…

(1a) The musical characteristics of an audio system are DIFFERENT IN KIND from the electrical/mechanical/acoustical characteristics of its components.

(2a) The musical characteristics of an audio system are CAUSED BY the electrical/mechanical/acoustical characteristics of its components.

(3a) The musical characteristics of an audio system are DIFFICULT TO PREDICT from the electrical/mechanical/acoustical characteristics of its components.

Hence, the musical characteristics of an audio system EMERGE from the electrical/mechanical/acoustical characteristics of its components. In other words, an audio system, taken as a whole, seems “greater than the sum of its parts.”

To me, the phenomenon of emergence differentiates audio, as a hobby, from many (but not all) other hobbies, where emergence does not happen. To me, the phenomenon of emergence is what makes hifi seem like magic, in that something beautiful and emotional emerges out of something mechanical and electrical. And that is why, other than a love a music, I am an audiophile.

Anyone else?
they are emergent, simply because they are (1) different in kind from the components' characteristics; (2) caused by the components' characteristics; and (3) difficult to predict from the components' characteristics.

And this would be because the equipment or equipment matching or the room setup is inadequate.

No. The issue of whether or not a system characteristic is emergent is altogether INDEPENDENT of whether or not a system is accurate.

Perhaps I have not been clear enough about what I mean by 'emergence.' I don't want to derail the focus of this thread, so I will simply suggest that, if you have any interest in the topic, you google search 'emergence.' You will find an array of articles and books about emergence written by philosophers and scientists, including an article I wrote in the journal Philosophy of Science entitled "The Reemergence of Emergence."
Aggielaw, I think it could be either, depending on who's point of view. I had a good friend who was very promiscuous, and many women said he was a slut, not a stud. So would such an audiophile be an audiostud, or an audioslut?
Philosophy of Science entitled "The Reemergence of Emergence."

Ah a fellow Physicist - me too. I enjoy that theoretical stuff - pure physics. I am a little rusty but I still try to keep my oar in - string theory etc.