Grand Prix versus Stillpoints

Anyone compared Grand Prix Monaco to Stillpoints Component stand? In my case it would be for amps.
128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xalbertporter
Albert, I had the Stillpoint stands before the new technology and thought they were the most effective isolation I had ever heard. Then after hearing the new Ultra SSs and being shocked at their performance even on the StillPoint Stand, I learned that you could install the new technology on the stand's rails. I did that and again it was a massive improvement, but still the StillPoint Ultras on the acrylic shelves greatly improved the sound. I think you are in for a treat, but the Ultra SSs will give you further improvement. I have said all of this in my StereoTimes reviews.

There has been a racking and platform system whose design from the outset was to deal with self generated resonance within components as well as airborne disturbance within the listening environment. Isolation is only possible in the absence of matter. Tom

I read your review, that was part of my encouragement. That and previous experience with standard Stillpoints and the new Stainless Ultras.

The stands will be the new version, so I expect to be suitably impressed.

My listening will probably be interrupted before I come to any conclusion. I jet out for Salon Son and Image (Canada) the day before Press day which is two days prior to regular attendees.
Theaudiotweek, like written earlier,the rack is just a stating point. Without some additional hardware, either couplers or some vibration absorbing devices such as those from stillpoints and others you will not hear your system near it's best. Your vague inference about a rack plus platform only backs up my contention that a rack is just a starting point and to drain vibration from our audio units we need to contact the case of the units with a conduit for dealing with vibrations.
Isolation only exists in the absence of matter. If you design a product based on the false premise that isolation is possible in the dimensions in which we exist then you wasted your time and energy. The much more effective resolution is to design a pathway for resonant energy to pass to ground. Even in archaic and so-called isolation systems resonant energy will eventually find its way out and to ground but very slowly leaving vague musical memories of notes of the past. Much like an inferior capacitor distorts and blurs the sound stage. All of my components and boards, speakers, drivers....they are all assembled as a conduit to ground. No mud or rubber or carbon fiber in between. The racking system has been on the market for years...