Do the Isolation Transformers protect system

Hello Everyone,

I wonder if an isolation transformer protects the system from surges,spikes etc like most of the other power conditioners do.
I use a custom made 1.5KVa isolation transformer where I plug my power amp,preamp and Isoclean power strip.
Then I plug my cd transport and DAC in the power strip.
Since the Isoclean strip does not offer any protection I only rely on the transformer for system protection.
The person who built the transformer claims it protects
the system from power fluctuations,however I would like to hear from those who have experience/knowledge about such a transformers.
Isoclean produces isolation transformer of highest quality,which paired with their top of the line power filter sells for mega $$$ and is usually used in very high end systems.
I doubt owners of such a systems would not care about protection.
Your help/thoughts would be aprreciated.
Thank you.
I've read up to 8:1 momentary surge reduction for iso's. Similar to a RC snubber. For example; if there's a 80V spike up to 200V for less than a few cycles (cycle =1/60 second), it could be reduced to 130V. Not a lot of testing has been done for this since it's not the intended purpose and limitations of testing gear speed but transformers can reduce some surge, not eliminate it. If you want secure protection against lightning strikes and municipal transformer blowouts, look elsewhere. Many surge protectors use MOV's which can only protect once.

It does not regulate power like a ferroresonant transformer such as a Sola MCR or Stabiline but those can be noisey. Regulation, done properly, is expensive.
An isolation transformer itself won't.There are circuits that can be used with it to help out.Every protection device has its limits though.
Isolation transformers can do some surge protection. As the input V increases, there will be more and more magnetic flux in the iron until the iron saturate at which point the coupling between input and output gets very poor and the output will no longer track the input V.