lessloss blackbody

I have a couple of lessloss power cords and they are pretty good, but what is this blackbody, has anyone tried it. I love tweaks but even to me this seems a little crazy, what are your thoughts
Mingles, I did reread above and you are right there was not any bashing it just seemed to be headed that way. The Blackbody's made such a big improvement. I just think everyone should be able to listen to these in there own systems. Here is a trusted source I know that sells right here on Audiogon. He just had the Blackbody's in his system. Give Jeff a call or email him at avsolutionsca.com.

Mingles, do not worry you will not get sucked into the black hole with these. Just give them a listen.
The Blackbody is for real. I post very infrequently but you should be able to find comments from me over 5 years back. I admit the cost is steep and since I have a mid level system I am reluctant to go whole hog and buy a number of these products. But even within my financial and system limitations I find it of great value. If I could paraphrase what I think it does I would have to say that it acts as a full spectrum filter for RFI and EMI. I think that it is the transformation of those noise elements that allows you to hear a more natural rendition of the music. If you can afford it and are not concerned about justifying a purchase to a significant other, I would recommend that you try it. In fact if you have a number of audiophile friends or an organized audio group, it might be a good idea to audition one of these baby's as a group. I am sure the collective judgement of a relatively experienced group would be enlightening for all.

"I post very infrequently."

Why would anyone with honest intent and unbaised participation in these forums need to defend the number and authenticity of their posts?

In my opinion, because they are yet another shill.

It's rings a little bit of "I'll be honest with you...or Let's be honest" which of course is the refrain only of people who are not always honest.


Audio Enthusiast Since 1978

No Agenda
"CWLONDON",I am afraid I will have to disapoint you. I am not a shill and you may check with Audiogon regarding my email address over the years which precede the appearance of Lessloss. I would also be happy to talk with you if you are interested. Just send me a private email with your number. Also, you may be happy to know that apparently, the LessLoss products will be carried by a vendor in the states. Therefore, you or someone you know may actually be able to hear the Blackbody in action. I simply hold that you should judge for yourself but you should at least audition the product you are trying to knock.

I am not disappointed, and if you are a sincere enthusiast, you have my apology.

But to be clear, I have not yet knocked, or indeed even commented on the Blackbody device, as I have no experience with it.

For the record, my impression is that in a double blind, AB comparison, the Blackbody would make even a Tice Clock or a Shakti stone look like bargain priced tweaks with state of the art engineering. But that is another matter.

What I have commented on, however, is the obvious corruption of this thread by people who are presumably affiliated with the manufacturer.

They have appeared to both me and other long time Audiogon participants to have been stuffing the ballot box with glowing reviews of this expensive, and if I were betting in Vegas a spectacularly high margin, audaciously promoted device.

As someone who values the enthusiasm, intelligence and generally high integrity of this forum, I do not react well to thinly veiled infomercials.

It is not only unfair to people who are seeking honest advice, but worse, it is arrogant and condescending.


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