Looking for reasonably priced sound diffusion.

I am looking for sound diffusion panels for placement on my ceiling. They need to be lightweight (no holes in the ceiling) effective and reasonably priced. No more then $80 panel or so for 2X2 feet. Like to actually spend less.

I have seen products by RPG - Skyline and Auralex - T-Fusers. The Skyline is to pricey. Not sure about those plastic looking T-Fusers.

I have good absorption and simply want to mix in a few diffusers on my ceiling and perhaps behind my speakers replacing absorption panels now there. The side walls and wall behind me have good absorption. I also have floor to ceiling bass traps behind the speakers in the corners of the room.

My sound is very good, but I feel this could be a nice final room touch. Perhaps helping out things when music is played very loudly which I like to do at times.

The room is 24 feet by 18 feet with 8 foot ceilings. You can see my room as part of my virtual system.

My speakers are out 7 feet from the front wall.

Thanks for your help.
I took a closer look at the mio tiles. And I have some ideas of how to improve it:
1/ it's not paper thin. From the spec, it looks like it has the thickness of a paperboard. Someone mentioned about depth. But if you look at the RPG skyline, they are all about 2 inches deep.

2/ the surface is paintable. I would suggest to paint it with spray paint or spray on some water-proof stuff on both sides if you are worrying about it "sagging". I would think you have to like pull lots of water directly onto it for that to happen. Check art stores for the type of stuff they use, rather than the ones from Home Depot or OSH.

3/ maybe stuff inside the pocket with some foams. Maybe randomly, or with various sizes. I've been collecting this stuff to pack up my house for remodel. I'll use them afterwards.

If they show different colors, they should offer various colors as well. Bummer.

FrankC (Gundam91):

Just wanted to clarify one of your points above - taken from the RPG website: "H The overall dimensions shall be 23-3/8"(H) x 23-3/8"(W) x 7"(D) and weigh no more than 4 pounds." found at this link http://www.rpginc.com/products/skyline/sky_csi.htm

So, the Skyline depth is 7" and not 2". Physics as they are, it's the max depth of the Skyline cell that determines its lower freq limit that its diffusion works to, while the inter-cell pressure which is a function of the cell size determines the max high freq limit. Dr Floyd Toole's latest book has an entire chapter on this and other diffuser types and absorption products . . . definately worth the read.
i just noticed this thread. recently i did install Auralex T-Fusors on my side walls. two years ago i installed RPG Skylines on my backwall. here are some posts from my system page which might be helpful on this subject;

i realize i likely need diffusion on the side walls and decide to try the T-Fusors;


installation and my first impressions;


pictures unpainted;


pictures painted;
