Clint Eastwood's HiFi

I found this picture of Clint Eastwood and his first wife Maggie showing WAF to Clint's mono HiFi system!
I am not sure anyone got your joke...
except maybe the guy who said "Maggies"... :^)
It looks absolutely identical to a Stephens speaker shown on page 73 of a 1960 Allied Radio catalog I have, except that it appears to be somewhat bigger. The driver is listed as an 8 inch Stephens model 80FR, and the cabinet as a Stephens model 816, measuring 24-1/2 x 15-3/4 x 11-3/4 inches. It was offered in a choice of mahogany, blonde, or walnut veneer. Perhaps the one shown is a similar model but for a 12 inch driver.

It is described as being a "ducted vent enclosure." In the photo Shadorne linked to you can see the shadow of what I assume is a vent, a few inches above the bottom. Although in the picture in my Allied catalog the lighting is such that you can't tell what is behind the grillcloth.

The amp on the floor, with the four knobs, looks like it is probably a Knight (Allied Radio's house brand), or possibly a Bell (which was a brand that Allied carried). He probably bought the whole system at an Allied Radio store.

Best regards,
-- Al
Given the size of the lo freq driver, the size of the speaker, and the corner location my guess is some version of a klipschorn although none that I have ever seen.
I thought it might be an old Allied too. I figure that someone on Audiogon will know for sure. Knight amp seems likely to. Is that a Garrard TT?