Anyone successful in dealing with Tinnitus?

I have been experiencing ringing in my ears and think I may have it. Any recommendations?
I feel like I'm unique in that I am experiecing Hyperacusis in addition to Tinnitus. I can only imagine what our "troops" must be going through. You never hear of this problem, but I'm sure it's quite predominate in the military.
Be careful Slaw - I have both also, and made the mistake of over compensating, and using earplugs too often. It made my hearing even more hyper.

I went back to gradual, regular exposures to the 'real world' unless I knew they were excessive and the hyperacusis has diminished.
sounds as though we all have plenty of company here...
I do use the soft earplugs often at work whenever in noisy locations, and that really helps. The ringing always worsens whenever exposure to loud, or even medium-loud noises or music occurs. Excess exposure to loud music, gunfire, and the continual din of cooling fans while working in computer rooms have all contributed.

I too am curious about the quietus homeopathic; anyone stating that these are all worthless has obviously never tried Rescue Remedy (which BTW is not for tinnitus). I looked over the quiet relief website but the "click to order a trial discount special" hyperlink failed. I never did call the phone # listed; just seems suspicious or something. I really have to wonder if a ridiculous pricing structure might be a turn-off?