Aging technology versus inevitably aging ears...

This could get long; please pardon me in advance or skip it. I had originally meant this for the Digital Forum, but it grew and meandered to where I just cut and pasted here... I have a large house with many rooms and, to my wife's constant objection, a well-displayed system in most of them ranging in vintage from 1976 to 2010. Each is period correct in that the turntable, electronics, and speakers are approximately age-matched. I'm old-school, so my speakers are big and beautiful-- two channels only and no subwoofers needed. Over the past few days, I've had the house to myself and a chance to do some listening to my vinyl, my better FM tuners, and even my CDs, which I normally consider a convenience medium for background or entertaining. I have absolutely nothing against digital and will admit that good digital sounds sufficiently good that it could actually provide a primary source if my LP collection melted and analog broadcasting were terminated (perhaps that's somewhere in the health care bill?), although mediocre digital is at best rather fatiguing.

My classic electronics and loudspeakers have been on a program of refurb for the past several years just because I enjoy using them and do not wish to suffer progressive degradation in their sound and function. In fact, I was A/B/C-ing some of my early mid-fi CDPs and TOTL direct-drive turntables against modern ones on my high-resolution living-room rig and came to a shocking conclusion: Properly-functioning old gear does not sound bad at all. In fact, without naming names, some of my old MASH and bitstream players sounded good enough that I would not see any reason to upgrade them unless I had a digital-only rig. Again, I prefer vinyl for solo listening and have the CDPs primarily for socializing. Every five years or so, I match and build a newer system, but since I have lots of closet space and several of Billy Bags' wonderful racks, I just don't get rid of the old stuff.

Still awake? Up to now, I had been enjoying the advances in engineering provided by the upper end of mid- and lower end of hi-fi-- that sweet spot at the rational side of the 10/10 rule. I'm always prepared to get rid of all the stuff and build one dedicated system, but just never pulled that trigger. However, I'm now at the point where I'm not sure that further advances will provide me greater enjoyment in my second half-century. If the stuff that was good enough for me twenty years ago when I had to stretch to afford it sounds pretty darn good now, is it good enough? Yeah, right, only I can answer that for me, but I'm wondering if anybody else here has reached the point where he is listening and enjoying more than ever, but admits that the gear is probably good enough? Does anybody just plain get attached to it?
Wow-- I did not know what to expect with my cry for therapeutic sympathy, and I got just that. Community keeps us sane, indeed.

Rockvirgo, you nailed two things square-on: (1) Something very special WAS happening in the late seventies, aside from my transition from adolescence to college freshman. The world was still analogue, not only in its consumer technology but also in its social habits. My friends, male and female, gathered around a two-channel system and spun LP records. Nobody was texting or checking e-mail; people actually had attention spans. The next great used vinyl find, played over whomever's system was better set up, was occasion for communal celebration. None of us could afford the TOTL stuff, but we all drooled over it when buying our HK integrated amp or Sansui DC receiver or Baby Infinitys. Personally, I alternate two Kenwood systems that I would have bought back then if not surviving week-to-week: a KD650/KT8300/KA8300 system ca.1976 and a 1978-vintage KD750/KT7500/KA8100, each with a KX1030 deck, through JBL L166 Horizons or Snell Type E's, all rebuilt. Bedroom system is a Denon DP60L and Tandberg TR2025 running a quartet of JBL Aquarius IVs (one in each corner). (2) You are absoultely correct-- I enjoy listening to them but also admire them when they're off!

Metralla, your first name would not be Bultaco, would it? Talk about a beautiful piece of machinery... I've still got the upgrade bug, and fully support the wonderful people producing great products indirectly by buying year-old stuff from the inveterate upgraders, and have talked with several of the small company owners/engineers while maintaining and upgrading these. Since I tend to keep my stuff, I need to wait a year or two before purchase to make sure the gear gains wide acceptance to insure long-term support and parts.

Elizabeth, I've nearly done the same thing for the same reasons at numerous times, and I still have the Planar 3 even though I've got better Regas!

Dan, the speakers... I love my 35-pound turntables and my VU-meter-equipped gear and big volume knobs with stepped attenuators, but it's all about getting juice to the speakers. The more imposing and objectionable to my lovely wife, the better. I can't pass up an Ohm Walsh 4 within driving distance, and I'd love to retrofit 2000 drivers into some F cabinets. My HK 700 series and bridged NAD Monitor Series systems exist solely to take T60 and TD2001 suspension table signals and supply period-correct power to the Ohms or Ic Maggies. However, the lowest WAF scores go to the Spica Angelus(es?), which demand placement over decor-- She hates them so much that she has to show "those things" to all of our visitors, but has to admit that the midrange imaging with choral music is sublime. I am still blessed with very sensitive hearing, but I figure my midrange will be the last to go... and I can at least still feel the bass from the 15" Klipsches (Quicksilver gear), which are too heavy for her to move...
Morgenholz writes:
Metralla, your first name would not be Bultaco, would it? Talk about a beautiful piece of machinery

You have the reference correct.

I owned several of those from 1970 on, along with a few other Bullys, and just loved them. It was sad to see the Spanish factories fall away.

I have built a system that will last for 20 yrs. No more buying. My last tranaction is the Dude pre amp. Done with it and now is time to enjoy the music for the next 100 yrs.
I believe many of use and myself avoided Japanese gear of the 70s. I remember TAS calling Sansui of that time Sansewer and this kept me from exploring early gear coming from that region.
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