The Next Step - what would you do?

Dear Audiogoners,

i'm sitting here listening to my setup, and realising my last thread has lost relevance.

i have a choice to make now, after about 15 years of slow, consistent upgrading. i need to take my system to the next level. i'm sure we've all been there at one point or another. so my current system is:

Pass Labs Aleph 5
Pass Labs D1
CEC CD2100 [running Supra AES/EBU]
Thiel CS 0.5
MIT MH-750 speaker leads
budget XLR leads otherwise

so i see the choices as follows:
1. get an amp with more current, and bigger thiel speakers
2. move to bigger, more sensitive speakers [spendor SP100, big proacs]
3. get a new girlfriend

all perfectly viable choices, but i'm sure both 1. or 2. would be less expensive. i've run the gamut of musical styles, but as i get older, and my hifi becomes more resolving, i find myself drawn to recordings of un-amplified instruments, such as old jazz recordings. still, i like a little thump now and then, any system should be reasonably flexible.

So, Audiogoners, what would YOU do, and why??

all the best!
Tonywinsc, i'd rather get a new girlfriend than have TWO systems! haha, thanks for the post but i neglected to mention my apartment is only 86m2, with no dedicated listening space. my system has to be in the living room, without sending off geek alarms [more than it already does].

Honest1 and Timrhu, you guys are right on the ball, i think the audio physic virgo or CS1.6 are good suggestions.

Horseface, thanks for your post, i have had Cornwall IIs in the past and would like to stay away from horns as i'm not crazy about their imaging qualities, or tone. though i did admittedly love the corwalls. and you're correct, my post was a little too vague.

i didn't really do a good job of communicating what it is i am after. For the record, i am satisfied with the overall tone and character of the system as it is, but i just need more resolution and dynamics. i realise there are generally two ways i could upgrade from where i am, and that is, more current, or more sensitive speakers. my question is not about 'what' to buy, but 'why'.

the real question is:
in your varied and likewise relevant opinions, Audiogoners, which direction would you choose to go, and why?

Before doing anything else, experiment with a better quality balanced cable between your D/A and amp. It could easily solve your resolution problem and really help with the dynamics too.
More information needed. How large is your room, how well damped is it, how far from the back wall can you have speakers, and how loud do you listen to music? There are a lot of choices you have besides the girlfriend (which would clearly be more complicated)even by audiophile standards, so before making any recommendations, I would like to know what have you've heard that you liked and disliked. Have you been to CES? It would be helpful to know if you like horn,panel, dynamic speaker, monitor, etc. type of sound. I listen to Magnepan 3.6, 20.1, Avantgard, Avalon Eidolon, Vandersteen, ProAc, Monitor Audio, legacy Whisper Signature, custom 107dB sensitive horns in our audiophile club. Thus, I can say that they all have merit, but personal preference will dictate the ultimate direction chosen. Jallen
Change the speaker first and hold on to the other equipment until that part of the upgrade is done.
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