I took my Sony radio cassette player and placed it in front of the single mono speaker of the school record player.
excitement and thrill of hearing this music and being able to play it whenever I wanted.
thanks for sharing this Richard.
it reminded me of something I wanted to share also.
as a kid my first music reproducer was a small hitachi am fm cassette player with a built in microphone. I discovered I could tape good songs from the radio onto cassette and play them back when I liked. Like you said - what power over the music. I was in control.
So I filled a cassette tape and all I did for two weeks was play that tape.
One day I decided to listen to the radio again. the same songs, when they came on the radio all of a sudden sounded..... not as good .... not like my cassette. they sounded slower and lethargic on the radio.
I couldn't understand why. I would figure it out later when I was a teenager playing with turntables. Although the tape cassette player was speed stable and sounded good - it was running a little fast. so the music sounded more up beat. groovy, livelier than the slower radio version. the cassette tape was speed stable but not speed accurate.
this is how I learned the difference between the two.
Hi Harold - high school in 1977...me thinks you may be my lost twin ?