PayPal Alternative? - What's your opinion?

I'm thinking about opening an electronic checking account with ING that would allow me to avoid PayPal fees. Basically the account would allow me to send money to anyone as long as I had their email address. Once I direct the funds to go to that person, ING pulls the money from my account, and sends the recipient an email that money is available. The recipient clicks the link in the email, inputs their own bank routing number and account number, and - zip - the money is theirs.

Does anyone already use this? Or would you be willing to input your bank info to receive money in this way?
Do not ever trade outside paypal unless you meet person to person. I lost nearly 4k trading with someone who I believed and to whom I wired the money. It's not worth the risk. Trust me.
I agree with Tvad. I enjoy the buyer protection that using a credit card gives me, and only Paypal can do that. I've only had to use it once, but that was on a $4500 item. W/O my CC, I would have been out that $4500. AudiogoN and Paypal can't get your money back if you have a box of trash show up at your door, but the CC bank fixed the problem.
I have opened an account that is only for paypal transaction purposes. Nothing else is there. I would suggest to do the same with any of such medias
PayPal is all about 'buyer protection'. Seller's should look upon it as 'cost to sell'. None of the banking arrangements can provide the protection, so until that happens, stay with paypal if you are a buyer.