Received my ET package from Bruce yesterday.
Will post up pictures over the weekend of my air set up along with the ET-2.5 on my system page.
Will post up pictures over the weekend of my air set up along with the ET-2.5 on my system page.
Eminent Technology ET-2 Tonearm Owners
Richard, interesting comments. Eventhough I settled on 18.5 -19 psi (at the arm) based on what my ears tell me sounds best in my system and not simply what my HP manifold was designed for, that pressure is (coincidentally?) about .5 psi above the pressure at which the check valve on my surge tank starts to release some air without fully opening. As the pressure is increased further the released air increases until the spring loaded valve opens fully (at about 20.5 psi or so AT THE SURGE TANK). Makes me wonder if the reason the arm sounds best at that pressure is not only that it is the ideal pressure for my arm, but also that the released air has a similar effect as what the Motronix accomplishes. Thoughts? |
Frogman. I suspect that the check valve you refer to is actually a safety relief valve. And yes it could be the same thing that I am hearing. It may have an adjustment so you could, entirely at your own risk :-) increase its setting to see if the bleed flow could be stopped but still maintain the same pressure out of the regulator and on to the arm. Obviously I don't know what your surge tank can take in terms of max pressure, so be careful should you decide to do this. I read the TAS review and this could be a review of the changes I hear in my system. It is a significant jump in performance and ultra easy to do. The dimensions given for Motronix unit would imply that any surge tank, if included, would be very small indeed. So maybe it is simply two high quality regulators with a central bleed? It shows how sensitive the arm is to smooth air delivery. As per my earlier post, the compressor had cycled off, so the air supply was coming only from the reserve in the tank. The "noise" in the air stream could only be coming from the regulators and the associated hosing to the arm. |
Richardkrebs, yes, safety relief valve, I have always incorrectly referred to it as a check valve. Interesting proposition. My DIY PVC tank can handle the full output of my Medo compressor which although rated at 22psi can actually output close to 30psi. Dave has the same compressor and it outputs 32 psi. Prior to installing the relief valve I tried higher pressures (without controlled air bleed) but I did not like the sound which would take on an overly lean and rather tense quality. I settled on 18-19 psi for best sound. I don't think that the relief valve can be adjusted, but it would be interesting to hear what higher pressure with controlled air needing sounds like. |
Richardkrebs and readers of this thread, My apologies to all for not having responded earlier, neurosurgery has precedence. Richardkrebs has been advocating changes to the ET2 that include adding mass and removing the patented decoupled counterweight. These suggested changes take the ET2 outside of its designed operating parameters. In February Richardkrebs promulgated a theory that adding 30g+ of lead to the ET2. He also advocated removing the decoupled counterweight and changing it to a fixed counterweight assembly. He claimed that this was a big improvement on the performance of the ET2 with low compliance cartridges. Richardkrebs claimed to be the only authority on adding lead mass to the ET2. Richardkrebs claimed that adding lead mass and removing the decoupling gave a flat frequency response in his listening room. To recap… Richardkrebs on adding mass: 02-15-13: RichardkrebsNOTE : This post demonstrates a lack of understanding. Removing the decoupling of the counterweight also increases that horizontal mass that the cartridge sees and therefore the total increase in mass would exceed the 30g claimed. 03-04-13: RichardkrebsRichardkrebs now claims that he has NOT added 30g off mass after all, and that his arm is close to the standard weight. 12-09-13: RichardkrebsIt would appear that the sonic benefits Richardkrebs proclaimed, accompanied by much mathematical conjecture over the past 10 months, are not attributable to adding lead mass as Richardkrebs claimed, and that the benefits of adding lead mass, if any, exist only in his head, in theory, as they have not in fact been trialed. With regard to the Morch analogy, this is speculation and assumptive on his part by his own admission. Rotational inertia is quite different to linear inertia and I’m not sure how one could possibly use a pivoted arm model to explain the forces involved in a linear tracking tonearm. For what its worth, I too have experimented with lead mass. I made a lead slug, 25mm long and fitting the ID of the ET2 as per Richardkrebs suggestion. Excluding the string and glue, the mass varied from 26gm to 34gm depending on how tight the slug was wound. Richardkrebs now claims that his arm is only 7gm heavier than standard. I cannot replicate his new claim of a mass differential of 7g with the size of lead slug he advocated. 05-15-13: RichardkrebsClearly Richardkrebs calculations were incorrect since he has not added anywhere near the amount of lead mass that he believed he had. Richardkrebs on removing the patented decoupling system on the counterweight: 03-25-13: RichardkrebsFrom Richardkrebs posts it would appear that he removed the decoupling spring, but did not understand the implications. Bruce’s testing on the Eminent Technology website demonstrates a rise in low frequency resonances if the decoupling is removed. Despite this Richardkrebs clearly states that he disagrees with Bruces ET2 design goals of maintaining a low horizontal mass and using a bifurcated spring to split the resonant frequencies to minimize resonant peaks in the low frequencies. Here is an extract from Bruce’s patent on the ET2. The damped leaf spring 39 is oriented so as to allow horizontal motion but prevent vertical motion, i.e., decoupling, of the counterweight arm 37 and counterweights 38. Decoupling is necessary to reduce the effective mass seen by the cartridge 36 in the horizontal plane which allows the use of high compliance cartridges 36. The stiffness of the damped leaf spring 39 can be increased to allow higher horizontal mass to match low compliance cartridges 36. The damper material for the leaf spring 39 can be an elastomer. Damping provides the desirable quality of little or no rise in amplitude at resonance horizontally. Also separate horizontal and vertical resonant frequencies can be achieved by decoupling only in one plane of motion.Removal of the spring decoupling will increase the resonant peak – Bruce measures 6db plus. If you go though the Shure white papers on low frequency resonance, they confirm this – they measure resonant peaks of 6-20db that increase motion 2 to 10 times. From the Shure white papers - what happens at the resonance frequency? One important characteristic of resonance is that motions are magnified considerably, in this case, typically from 2 to 10 times. Clearly the removal of the decoupling has negative impacts on both tracking and increased distortion in amplifiers and speakers from the infrasonic distortion generated by the cartridge/arm resonance. Use of Fluid Damping Again there are more contradictions in Richardkrebs posts - 02-18-13: Richardkrebs Richardkrebs on Stiffness of the Air Bearing 04-21-13: Richardkrebs This is a very good example of conflating physics and mathematics. Frogman, Ct0517, DGarretson, Slaw, myself and many others hear significant differences in performance when adjusting the air pressure on the ET2. Having studied structural, mechanical and materials engineering and physics at university, my view is that altering the air pressure will alter the performance of the arm – either altering the rigidity and/or altering the resonances within the air bearing. I quote Ralph Karsten of Atmasphere producer of valve amplifiers, and who has considerable experience producing and cutting records. 01-17-12: AtmasphereWhen I questioned the stiffness of the bearing in relation to the added mass Richardkrebs advocates, he responded - 03-19-13: RichardkrebsAnd yet now he says he is running 18psi. 11-05-13: RichardkrebsIn summary then, despite having owned the ET2 for over 25 years, it would appear that since February this year - Richardkrebs has advocated adding lots of lead mass, and claimed many benefits, but now claims that his ET2 arm mass is close to standard. Richardkrebs has proclaimed that Bruce’s decoupled counterweight is not a good idea, and stated in April that putting the arm back to standard will degrade the sound. Now, in December, Richardkrebs is not sure and is going to retrial the decoupled counterweight. For 25 years, Richardkrebs eschewed fluid damping, but now believes it is of benefit. Richardkrebs claims the ET2 air bearing is rigid at audio frequencies and 12psi was the optimum air pressure for his set up, having carefully calculated Q. Now he has moved up to 18psi without an explanation. These contradictions outlined above, demonstrate a lack of scientific rigour in testing and set up. It is not an approach that one would recommend. It would appear that Richardkrebs has much work to do to determine the optimum set up for his ET2. My suggestion would be for him to put his arm back to standard and set it up as per Bruce Thigpens’ ET2 manual, assuming he now has some understanding of how it works. For your reference here are links to the Manuals and Patent Seasons greetings to all.. Dover |