Is listening daily at an average of 85db safe?

For a few hours a day I listen at an average of 85dbc. (Yes that's dbc, c weighted, not a weighted) A weighted average is about 78. All information on hearing loss I can find online is always measured in Dba, not dbc. Does this mean I can actually listen louder without the risk of damage or no? Are bass sounds less damaging? Is it safe for me to be listening daily at these levels?

What matters is the peaks that make up the average level. I suspect the levels you use are OK. I assume you know dB(C) is spectrally pretty flat, whereas dB(A) reflects auditory sensitivity.

I don't understand what 6550c may have read. Acoustic energy impinges on the eardrum, is passed through the middle ear mechanism to the inner ear where displacement along the basilar membrane cause neurons to fire, such firing runs up the auditory nerve, and is represented in the auditory cortex. This, of course, is a simplistic characterization of the process. IIRC, at lower levels than the auditory cortex nerve activity between the two ears is compared for timing information. The hair cells along the basilar membrane can be damaged by excessive noise exposure, and various substances.

There are all kinds of ways to justify excessive levels. Although peaks do matter, just limiting them is not a recipe for safe levels. Loud is loud. It is a matter of the total exposure: pressure level, length of time, frequency of exposure, and spectral content.

07-14-10: Gawdbless
Play it safe, listen at 60db.
Gawdbless (Threads | Answers | This Thread)

This would be called 'background music'.

What I am saying is the BRAIN only THINKS it hears the mean sound pressure level. The peaks give you NO sensation (until you turn off the music - you go deaf without knowing it!!) . Pick up any pro sound book (and put away the ten dollar words) or numerous Audio Magazines- it is well documented. Why do you think you can goto a Van Halen concert and not come home stone deaf? The quys that set up concerts know this, or else they would be sued for damages. You can listen to 110 db and be okay as long as there are no 150db peaks. High peaks not only waste enery, but they also leave people deaf.