Music vs. Components

Greetings everyone. Here's a biggie: When you sit down for a session with your hi-fi, what do you find that you are really listening to most 1) the music, or 2) your components? Where and what is that mysterious, illusive, fine line between 1) simply and wonderfully enjoying the music and.... 2) listening critically for either how "great" your system sounds (such as trying to justify upgrades, tweaks, tube rolling, wire changes, etc.) or listening for all of the flaws and weaknesses of your gear. When does the tweaking stop and the enjoyment begin? Conversely, when is it time to improve and upgrade because, in reality, you would be happier if your system sounded better?
I can relate to Bside123 but would like to add something. When I had a lesser system I could only listen for 3-4 hrs at a time before fatigue would set in. I also kept saying to myself 'What If' I bought the more expensive component would I want to replace that today?? I can listen all day now and still ask the same ol question 'What If'. Then I look at the cost. That stops me from thinking about it.

Now if someone would share the winning lottery numbers with me I can stop the 'What If' and change to the Nike slogan Just Do It.

Mrtennis I listen to music because I enjoy it like some people may like a good movie or a scenic drive.
Mr. Tennis, Great point!! I fully agree. Many days I use listening to my system as a balm to a particularly difficult day.
Anyone who listens to vinyl and claims they are just listening to music is full of B_ S__. If you just want to listen to music, it's going to be digital due to the convenience factor.

If you want to hear your system, then you put on vinyl.