What did you own in the 60's?

Here is one for the more mature folks here.

My first component system was a XAM 20 watt receiver, a Garrard 40B turntable with a 1 cent Grado cartridge, & a pair of XAM speakers with single 8" "full range" speakers. It was the house brand of EJ Korvette, a discount department store on Long Island. I probably would have done better if I could have talked my dad into going to Lafayette, but it was a longer trip.

I replaced the Garrard with a $91 AR XA in 1969. It was obvious that turntables sounded different, even to a 16 year old! I don't recall reading that in Stereo Review!
My first system, 1966, was an AR turntable, AR speakers and a Dynaco SCA-35 integrated I built from a kit. Great memories of that setup, it was playing almost constantly for several years. Added a Tandberg reel-to-reel at some point later.
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Scott tubed receiver, Garrard Zero 100 TT, Sony reel to reel & Rectilinear 3 speakers.
Could not beat the prices @ Korvette's for new LP's back then (under $3.00) THOSE WERE THE DAYS!
I love you guys, (and gal)! (I just turned 50 this year, so I was feeling really old, but you've reminded me that I am not so old for an Audiophile!)

In 1960, my turntable was one of those kid's turntables that had a kind of a slide projector that pulled the strips of slides in, and when played with the appropriate record, not only told a story, but showed pictures that were timed to coincide with the story. (Pretty cool technology for the time.)

And of course it also worked as a regular turntable, albeit with dubious sound quality, and for all I know, it played in mono. Although, for a kid, it sounded fine.

I did not have a stereo turntable until I borrowed the family portable turntable that we got when I was about 13 or 14, (which would have been about 1974 or so). I did not get my own stereo until I was out of college, and had a job at age 20, (1980). (And of course it was the standard Japanese receiver, turntable and speakers). But from then on, I was pretty much hooked, and have upgraded my rig on a semi-regular basis since then, (say every 5 or so years).
EJ Korvettes = eight jewish korean veterans. Did u know that? The coolest store ever. Best LP section in the world. It's all gone downhill since. Do I sound old?

System= Garrard TT, Lafayette amp, JBL speakers

That has all gone downhill too. Just like my sex-drive.