Frogman your Beth Hart & Joe Bonamassa videos had me looking for something to mix with my morning coffee (...and maybe a cigarette?)
only to find my liquor cabinet has been pillaged.
The Nancy Wilson video sure harken's back to a much simpler time imo - boy, times have changed.
I tell my 19 year old son, "the girls never approached you in clubs when I was your age"; "the guy had to have a plan and a good introduction to go up and approach a girl in a club". He doesn't believe me, as these days according to him, the woman have become the hunters. I wish I was 19 again.
only to find my liquor cabinet has been pillaged.
The Nancy Wilson video sure harken's back to a much simpler time imo - boy, times have changed.
I tell my 19 year old son, "the girls never approached you in clubs when I was your age"; "the guy had to have a plan and a good introduction to go up and approach a girl in a club". He doesn't believe me, as these days according to him, the woman have become the hunters. I wish I was 19 again.