For a boomy room, what panels will reduce mid-bass

My listening room must have standing waves, because at my listening position there is too much mid-bass. It sounds bloated and the bass is just too pronounced. What acoustic devices are VERY good at reducing this boomy bass in the room? Panels on the wall would be nice, but I need something very effective.
I too have an acoustically wayward room and for decades suffered from boomy bass which no amount of messing about with speaker positioning seemed top fix. And I love deep, tight, articulate bass.

I'd read of bass traps, but the problem lies in borrowing them to try before you buy and, with a subwoofer, floor space is limited. I also don't fancy sticking panels all over the walls.

Eventually, in the wake of the expiry of my Pink Triangle D:AC, which I couldn't get repaired, I bought a TacT pre-amp/D:AC with Room Correction, which worked wonders in the bass, though getting the midrange and treble palatable is a challenge and a half. Though I still have it after six years and on many but by no means all albums manage to obtain great results, I'm not sure I'd recommend it. It's just too much of a trial to get right.

However, the Lyngdorf RP-1 RC unit is designed to go between an analogue pre- and power amp (or, with an integrated amp, in the tape loop) and is reportedly very good. It may not have the endless adjustability of the TacT (which some have said may be no bad thing), instead offering a choice of six factory preset voicings. Reviews indicate that most people seem to be quite happy with the Neutral voicing. As well as having a less overtly digital sound than the TacT (a devil to iron out), it also incorporates an electronic crossover to facilitate use of a subwoofer or two.

It isn't a D:AC, accepting and outputting only analogue signals with, reportedly, minimal influence, so you won't need to ditch any of your existing kit. As an alternative to wall panels and bass traps, it's certainly worth investigating.
A nice and inexpensive way to tame you room is to purchase a nice decorate 5
x 9 rug and hang it from the wall behind the speakers. I use a couple of pieces of carpet tack strip and nail that on 16" on center and then just hang the rug from that. I have one on the front and rear walls. Cheap and can look very nice as well.

Good luck
While a tapestry / carpet hung on the wall looks nice and tames high frequencies by absorbing them, it'll not reduce the room boom of lower frequencies that the original poster had enquired about - it's too thin and there isn't enough of an air space behind it.

If anything, hanging a tapestry carpet on the wall will reduce the high frequencies and throw the sonic spectrum further out of balance and exacerbate the room boom problem.

That has not been my experience. My guess is that with the system in question here we are not talking low bass but 120hz. The usual suspect.
panels from ready acoustics go down to the forty hertz range, they are cheap compared to most others , and look great. good luck.