Pretty good cobbler:
Incorporated into ATC SCM-100A would add enough upper crust to make a very enjoyable slice of pie.
Seems like folks, are forging ahead into a euphonious future, and I was unaware of it.
The Hub: Just how bad is it in high end audio?
Pretty good cobbler: Incorporated into ATC SCM-100A would add enough upper crust to make a very enjoyable slice of pie. Seems like folks, are forging ahead into a euphonious future, and I was unaware of it. |
Map: Rock on, dude. It'd be nice if some wealthy soul endowed a research institute to address the mysteries of sound reproduction...but I'm not holding my breath. They Call Me Tater Salad: I wish Brooks well, whatever the reason for his expansion. He's been a mainstay of the biz for a generation. Spring: Not quite sure what you're getting at--but interesting, nonetheless. Rok: Yup, price matters. Can't argue with that. Appreciate the lower case; sorry to rag you! Thanks to all for your comments. It'll be interesting to see what you have to say when we get into our discussion of the industry's future. |
Mankind/Music go back a ways. Not too long ago several Roman patrons sat discussing whether clients or freeman made the best musicians. Everybody already conceded that the end was near though as the wars needed to many conscripts, and the days of audiophile patrons who could afford a Hydraulusor or Sambuca were numbered. The exuberance of audiophiles allow their enjoyment to endure. Making money off them might prove tricky at times. |
Springnr has brought a question to my mind and perhaps each of us should ask himself the answer. When I respond to the question posed in the title of this thread, am I addressing the high end hobby at my house or the overall health of the high end audio business model? I'll go first. The hobby at my house has lapsed to a great extent in recent years but still gets daily use. I still enjoy my system but I haven't had the motivation to pursue perpetual improvement. Some of the reason for this is the difficulty that can arise from trying to resell. It makes me more cautious about acquisition in the first place. Likewise, I feel I have reached a level of sophistication in my system where improvement would require a much larger outlay than I am willing to commit. So I say, good enough is good enough. Concerning the high end audio business, I can only say that we got what we asked for. I buy used on the internet, I buy insider deals from friends in the business and I swing a trade here and there. I don't buy in stores and I found that I always lost money buying factory direct. No one will pay me as much for my used piece as they can buy a new one for, naturally. Notice that I don't buy anything from stores. They made their bed long ago as far as I'm concerned. They told me over and over again in no uncertain terms that I needed them more than they needed me. I got the message. Too many times I was treated like a know nothing by a know too little intellectual shrimp who thought that he was an expert by dint of having been hired. The arrogance and ignorance factors disqualified retail dealers for me back when I subscribed to Audio Mart. How long ago was that? So, as far as I'm concerned, we did this to ourselves by creating an adversarial environment and pretending it was the gentlemen's club. Greed and opportunism have been basic to this hobby from the outset in the late 1970s In the 80s the prices climbed, the margins stayed intact, and the entrepreneurs noticed. Soon the sizzle took over and the steak was stolen. Now that the dizzy pursuit has paused due to money shortages, we are bemoaning the collapse of a house of cards. They were bound to come down though the first time the boat rocked. The desperation of high end audio has no effect on my life whatsoever and the guys who chased me out of those stores back when have long since moved on to selling cemetery plots, life insurance or used trucks. So there you have it. High end audio will survive but the sharks will likely be starved out of it. |