Regarding the air hose.
I had Bruce set the air hose nozzle pointing up on my 2.5. So no hole needed to be drilled. If the nozzle is pointing down it can also be turned up and re epoxied but you need to be careful with this depending on its condition. Its an alternative.
regarding the wiring. this was one of the revelations for me as far as owning this tonearm.
If I may use the analogy of walking a dog.
For me achieving a good setup with my ET tonearm is like training a dog and the wire loom is the leash.
A well trained dog never tugs on the leash and the leash always remains limp to the handler.
The ET2 doesn't need the wiring and/or air tube as some other air bearing linear trackers do in their design for damping - its a free spirit and just wants to ride the grooves that are not crazy eccentric. Anyone that has moved the spindle in and out of the manifold with just 3 psi, knows what we are talking about - think - Slippery.
So a recommendation for later on.
Pull the wiring from the armtube/spindle areas. Set the ET2 up and balance it without the wires.
Then add the wires. You will see first hand how much the wires affect its movement. Without doing this you just don't know how much effect the wires have.
effect vs affect above - I can never remember ? so I used both - 50/50.
As far as setting up the wires on the ET2 once balanced without them; simply add/run the wires along the armtube (are you and "in'ee or and out'ee") direct to your phono stage with a happy face loop in between to remind you of the great setup job you did. :^)
thats it.
I am still searching for a wireless solution btw.
HNTB and Frogman - regarding suspensions.
My opinion is there are suspensions and then there are suspensions.
Think firm Pneumatic suspension.
+1 on removing springs; certainly trying it. Never owned the Goldmund, but have done so with three VPI's with great results.
I also removed the springs from a HW19MKIV and TNT. Went pucks with the HW19 and Pneumatic with the TNT. a pic of the TNT is in my system page. I believe you are also running a pneumatic type suspension now on your TNT Frogman ?