Because your car should sound good too

Nice FYI piece here. Maybe one of you might just attempt this. And if you didn't know, now you do.

First is a Tube Pre-Amp. Yes, for cars. It's called - Critical Mass Tube Pre-Amp (P2-GTX)
Seems to be a pretty good piece.

Next is their high-end four channel amp. It's called -
Critical Mass JL UL-A4x350 (Class A Amplifier)

That last one retails at $11k. So, neeedless to say I won't be auditioning it anytime soon. Anyone else care to do the dirty work and tell me what I'm missing?
Probably, Unsound.

While I get why people want good music in their car- who doesn't? - I think there's a limit. Can you 'critically listen' while driving? For that matter, should you be?

My Alpine deck and factory speakers sound good enough for me. If I had a car that I knew I would keep forever or close to it, I'd seriously look into a McIntosh system. It would probably look great in my father's '71 Mercedes 280 SL convertable. Hanging out on July 4th and watching fireworks with the top down and a Mac system playing would be pretty cool IMO.
Oh buddy, if I'm "critically" listening while I'm driving then I'm not driving. That's worse than driving drunk. That's simply not a good idea. But a terrible sounding stereo or sub-par doesn't even deserve attention so it has to be decent for me.

And one thing on listening locations, and quite a few HUs have this option (but makes music sound terrible for passengers) is timing correction for your listening position. You can adjust each individual speaker to output at a different time. Worked incredibly well with my last Alpine HU.

Unsound, you take no joy away from anyone with your opinions. They are very justifiable opinions at that. And very happy you chimed in to voice them. Just remember, you can't take car audio to the extreme you do with your home audio gear because there is no comparison no matter how much you spend on your car. And at that, you are absolutely correct.

It's just the small effort to take some of your pride and joy with you wherever you go. Makes the journey that much more enjoyable.
The best car audio I ever had (or heard) had mini monitors on the rear deck, firing towards the front of the car, so reflections were minimized, at least compared to the usual routine where speakers fire directly into the rear window, front windshield or into the seats or footwells.

So perhaps it is the usual car speaker orientation which challenges most systems before they even have a chance.

Thoughtful installers I have talked to about this have recommended tweeters and/or midrange drivers mounted in custom fiberglass pods - either near the dashboard or sometimes in the footwells - which can then fire more on axis towards the driver. Bass, obviously, is less sensitive to placement.

But whatever the challenges, I totally disagree that ambient noise kills the possiblity for good sound.

Not to mention the fact that many cars are quieter than my house on most days, ambient noise might limit the possibility to discern low level detail, but it does not affect many other qualities and characteristics that can be clearly heard through the noise.

Which do you prefer: 1) ambient noise + high fidelity + clean power or 2) ambient noise + low fidelity + clipping?

That argument is like saying iPod electronics are only so good, so you might as well wear cheap ear buds and compress to MP3.
Thanks for the suggestions, Tiggerfc. First of all, I should have mentioned that I have neither the time nor the ability to do any installation myself. The good news is that there is a local mobile audio shop that I have used in the past and highly respect and trust. Also, I live in a neighborhood where I would be uncomfortable with anything visible besides an all-stock appearance, so outboard subs are out of the question. I have located an oval car woofer that might offer some improvement over the stock woofer in the rear deck, provided it was properly amplified.

As for the factory HU (I think it's a Panasonic), I have heard good things about the units made by Alpine and others specifically for the purpose of using a factory HU with outboard amps. Also, the DSP units, while I would not want one in my home, seem to make sense for a car environment. So, I would look at these units eventually as well.

But, business is really poor these days, so everything audio (except listening) is on hold. I will have to do it in steps, but a full Dynamat application will likely be step one.

As for the merits of improved mobile sound, I know there are limits to what can be achieved, and I know that focused listening is mostly impossible while driving. But, as I mentioned, I do spend about 75 minutes a day commuting by myself, so I'd like to increase the enjoyment I get from listening to music while I drive. My $0.02.