Origins of the word Amarra

It is curious to me that while reading a book recently the author talks about a language spoken by the Aymarra Indians and considered by some specialists to be the oldest language in the world. The author goes on to say that this synthetic and highly structured language meant that Aymarra could easily be transformed into a computer algorithm and used to translate one language into another. The book Fingerprints of the Gods by Graham Hancock discusses this on page 91.

I wonder if this is where our modern day Amarra got its name? Anybody know for sure?
This sounds like total nonsense! A language that could be converted into an algorithm and used as a universal translation device? Translating Chinese into English by means of a third language? Name a language that IS NOT synthetic and highly structured. It doesn't pass the smell test.
I have often wondered how much effort goes into naming audio components. Some appear to be quite artsy and dig deep to come up with names like Aria or Coda or some of the names Sonus Faber comes up with, while others just noncreatively use X600 or REF110? I wonder if some hire ad consultants or just flip open a music book and pick an obscure word?