Just another take on the thoughtful input from Pegasus.
Is it possible that the screw torque adjustment thing is at least partially due to the disruption of multiple mechanical paths? Lets look at the arm as a set of parallel mechanical conductors carrying current to "ground" (the plinth). In the ET their are multiple paths in the pillar and interface with the plinth. We have likely all experienced earth loops in our HiFi journey. Could this be something similar. Multiple parallel paths with slightly different propagation times, creating the equivalent of an earth loop. By disrupting, breaking, some of these paths are we actually building a single path to ground, hence cleaning up the mechanical earthing of the arm.
Just another take on the thoughtful input from Pegasus.
Is it possible that the screw torque adjustment thing is at least partially due to the disruption of multiple mechanical paths? Lets look at the arm as a set of parallel mechanical conductors carrying current to "ground" (the plinth). In the ET their are multiple paths in the pillar and interface with the plinth. We have likely all experienced earth loops in our HiFi journey. Could this be something similar. Multiple parallel paths with slightly different propagation times, creating the equivalent of an earth loop. By disrupting, breaking, some of these paths are we actually building a single path to ground, hence cleaning up the mechanical earthing of the arm.