Gentlemen&Lady, you may not be aware of the seminal paper co-authored by Italian computational neurologist Stefano cappa and by Dr. Aloysius Schmaltzenstein Gavronsky: Physical mapping of electronic reverse transcriptase in cognitive neuro-acoustic networks (Journal of Pseudo- Causality, No. 37, February 29th 2009, PP. 345-398). In this rather long paper, the authors demonstrate how the progressive accretion of electron clouds nodal loci caused by the prolongued effect of external acousto-mechanical stimulation of dynamic drivers yieldss a hereto undetected reverse-transcriptase-driven rise in size of prion proteins in pre-spongiform encephalitis cases. The prion protein particles gain in mass by up to 250% in a matter of weeks when exposed to clumped EMF created by acoustic stimulation of said speaker systems.
In turn, the exponentially virulent hypertrophic prion particles have provoked dangerously uncontrolled audiophrenic seizures in otherwise outwardly normal individuals, who have immediately 'invested' in uber-expensive hyper-sensitive and extremely high-strung speakers, with disastrous consequences to their credit limit, and to their marriages.
Folks, please don't talk to your speakers... Sheer hell will follow!