Which attributes do you value most?

Here is a list of attributes commonly valued by audiophiles, in no particular order:

1. Resolution
2. Soundstaging
3. PRaT
4. Dynamics
5. Tonal balance
6. Harmonic content
7. Accuracy
8. Coherence
9. Frequency extension
10. Scale

The list could go on and on, but you get the idea. I’m interested to hear which attributes people prioritize above others. I don’t really have an agenda, except to learn more about how people’s values influence their approach to system building. With that in mind, it would be helpful if you listed a few of your components (assuming your system isn’t linked). So...

Which attributes do you value most?
A superbly engineered and well recorded musical performance.If you do not have that all the things on your list become obstacles,not attributes.The value of a great sound engineer who understands the music,instruments and the critical placement of microphones to achieve that goal is the blank canvas that all recorded music stands before to paint it's masterpiece.With a great recorded performance you can start on your path to reproducing that audio image through your system,and start working on that list.
1)Harmonic accuracy.

Which in turn encompasses or is affected by many of the factors that have been mentioned (tonal balance, harmonic content, accuracy, clarity, resolution, coherence, lifting of veils, freedom from distortion, etc.). To me "harmonic accuracy" is the most significant determinant of how "real" the instruments sound. I realize that by lumping its contributing factors together I am begging the question :-)

2)Clean transient response.

3)Dynamic range.

4)Frequency extension.

5)Image scale.

Best regards,
-- Al
Natural. Don't really know what that means but I've spent a lifetime training my ears to hear it.
you made a good list and lots of gear brings these attributes to one's listening experience. every once in a while you hear a system and go wow!!! what's going on here because it's so engaging? this is what i look for and try to build around. it is interesting to me that the usual recommendation was to put the most of your budget into speakers. i don,t think this is true anymore as i think source and speakers and wires are equally important. just some thoughts. john
I'm real glad someone else puts "harmonic content" at the top, and it's Al no less.

There's a post somewhere on this site which says that the mind can "fill in" when some things are missing -- dynamics and detail for two -- but cannot do it for tonal colour. When my system's charm at last came to include that, I realized what it was all about for me.

Next would come timing. If I can't keep time with some body part, I can't listen.