Taralabs cables

Hi, I wanted to start a new thread for all the owners of Taralabs cables, Enjoy, and cheers.

Sorry but I beg to differ. You can "go wrong" with either in my system. There is in fact a "drastic difference" between them in my system. Gold was a step down, not a step up in my system.


The rhodium is not forward sounding in my system. I have a tube amp and tube preamp. I would not believe everything "they say" about rhodium.

Beyond my tube amp and preamp -- simply listing components will not do much to describe how my system sounds, and why it sounds as it does, because I used a daisy-chained front end and I run cables in series. These are kinds of things you don't often hear about, but that can attract a lot of negative attention here. So, I don't really like to go into things on the forum. You can MP me for more information.

When you stated "Everyone's system is different, so ultimately you'd have to make the call on what is right for you", you hit the nail on the head. Nobody can make rules for your system, especially if it includes anything at all unconventional. You have to experiment and make the call regarding what works, what does not work, and what works best.