System Placement Question

I recently moved into a bachelor/studio apartment and I'm trying to figure out how to organize the room. One option is to assemble the system against the back wall and have the speakers fire down the length of the room. While I think this option is best, there is a radiator against the back wall in the center. Would assembling the system in close proximity to the radiator be a big 'no-no'?

Some of my initial concerns are that the heat generated by the radiator might warm the speakers too much, resulting in floppy bass. Moreover, I'm concerned that the heat may harm the longevity of my amp/CD player (both are NAIM). Does anyone have any experience with this?
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Components are made to run warm to hot , i would not worry about them . Speakers are different thing , If the rad is making them hot to the touch , you may be able to build a deflecter , so the heat from the rad radiates away from your stuff .
Thank you for the responses.

Personally, I think it's bit impractical to purchase a whole new system simply so I can place it in a particular area of the room. Similarly, I don't think it's practical to turn off the rad just so I can place the system where I want to. In my view, the area is a living space first, a listening environment second.

I eventually decided on the safe route, so I will have the speakers firing along the width of the room (away from the rad). While it is less than ideal, it represents the best compromise given the constraints I'm working with. As it turns out, I will have to buy longer speaker cable too. Sadly, I also managed to destroy my stylus during the move... yet another unanticipated expense :o/

Thanks again for the suggestions and happy new year!