Decent Power Conditioner in the $ 300-$400s?


I am looking for a decent power conditioner in the $300-$400 price range, used. It is for my second system that already has a dedicated line, but only two sockets. The system:

Eastern Electric Minimax Tube CD player
Wavac 811 amplifier
Kcs custom made monitors
Hsu VTF1 pair of subs.

I don't have any idea of units in this price range. I use an Exactpower in my main system, but I don't need such level of performance in my second system. Many thanks for your help. Pablo.
Ag insider logo xs@2xpablovila
I recommend that you check the Transcendent Audio website for a power conditioner. There is a kit or factory assembled unit. It has done wonders for my system since my electrical power is very dirty. The price point is well below my fellow audio nuts pieces. Hope this helps. Steve
Audio nut pieces is a fairly accurate, if not particularly charitable , description of most of us on here.
What about Richard Gray's older RGPC 400 or 400s models? Most can be found here for $350 to $400.
Hi Everybody:

Thank you very much for your answers. I am building my shord list with those alternatives. However, I have a question? Why the PS Audio Powerplant was not mentioned by anybody? The P300 can be found for the money I am willing to spend. Is there any reason for the PS Audio P300 not being mentioned? Many thanks, Pablo.