The Order of Obsolescence

Vinyl enthusiasts should be cheered by a commentary piece captioned “There’s Nothing So Old as the Recently New” that appeared last weekend in the Wall Street Journal. The writer, Matt Ridley, who has written on genetic and social evolution, turned his attention to technology. He argues that new technology will have the biggest negative effect on the most recent similar technology. I can’t give you a link to the piece, because the WSJ charges for its content, but here is a quote that will give you the gist of the argument:
“My point is that new technologies threaten young technologies more than the threaten ancient ones. Kite-surfing may kill wind-surfing, but it will not affect sailing. Email eclipsed fax more than it did letter writing. Social networking is overtaking telephoning, but not partying. In the era of Kinect, Space Invaders is dead, but poker is thriving. . . .
“It seems there is nothing so dated as the recently new.”
According to this theory, computer audio should displace optical discs (a 30 year old technology) more than records (a 100 year old technology).
It makes sense. Where is the market competition the stiffest? At the bleeding edge. The old market technology is not competing for the dollars in the faster pace new market. I'm thing of the fights like betamax and vhs, hdtv format wars, etc. At least, that's what I think the author meant.
Doesn't apply to media, only gear. You should hear by wax cylinders, good as the day they were made by Albert. When will I be able to get iTunes to carry them?
But you cannot compare LP (vinyl) and any other audio software - they are not rivals for eachother but exist hand-in-hand. Vinyl will continue unabated because it has no competitor. In a way, I'll be glad when proper digital i.e. solid state becomes the norm. There will be less emphasis on moving parts. No transport, no lasers - I believe that;s the short to mid term future. Hard disks are not the way forward - way too flakey.