Voltage regulation

I have noticed that my dedicated mains power slowly fluctuates between 124 and 127 volts. Nothing seems to correlate like furnace - refrigerator turning on and off - time - day of the week etc. I'm looking for something that would keep the output a steady 120V without constricting the current. I'm not looking to break the bank but would like any and all suggestions.

The reason I'm looking for this is because I have a tube integrated where the bias goes up and down with the voltage fluctuations.

I have an APC H15 that includes voltage regulation. I've seen it light up for both boost and trim on the voltage but it rarely outputs exactly 120 hz. Right now it's reading 121 Vac in and out, but it's generally a little higher.

I don't know if it's more of a sound quality issue or if it's just "hard" on components to have it fluctuate all the time.

There may be some components that will hold it at exactly 120 hz, but consider this a heads up that not all of them will.
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Time out for a funny answer. Use the isolation transformer that you bought from me, I believe that it performs voltage regulation as a byproduct of the energy being stored and released.
