A tale of WAF

A buddy of mine just installed a rather refrigerator sized Bagend Speakers the other day. It was quite hilarious hearing him trying trying to explain these are great becasue we can play are music through them on music night and just plug everything in the mixer and it will be awesome!

Her instant response in the beginning in these words. We can play music through a smaller speaker!!

He works in the home theater install trade part time and completely cracked up learning that there was a term in audio that kills system quicker than surges, blown woofers, and exploding amps the almighty WAF.
When a woman I dated first walked in my house and had to walk around a speaker positioned near the front door, her comment was, "Obviously no woman lives here."

Another woman, seeing the speakers, equipment, and acoustic panels on stands, asked, "Don't you think this is a bit cluttered?"

Not having any investment in her, I responded, "Do you live here?"

I do have A friend whose wife has tolerated his very large speakers and space for equipment in their living rooms. They recently moved to another house where he has a large room for his system, though she has never complained. Rare and exceptional.
When I first moved in with my partner, I had Klipschorns, and in our small apartment, it didn't go over very well, and I eventually agreed to downsize. Thirty-two years have passed since then, he still prefers small monitors, but accepts without complaint any size or shape of speaker that I want to try. I does help that we now have a room dedicated for the purpose, but mostly it's just that he realized that it was my hobby, and that music was important to me. When he wants to listen, he either listens to my system as it is, or he hooks up one of his sets of small monitors, which I also enjoy on occasion. It's all about considering the dreams and wishes of the other person as much, or maybe a bit more, than you consider your own.
i have always found that speakers and components have a complex waf-interaction, but cables ALWAYS have a strong anti-waf field around them that attracts waf-ire like a magnet.

... a frigid magnet?

no, disregard that last comment. it's me with the problem, not my lovely wife.