Thanks for the reply Ngjockey,
TADAC Tube Pre/DAC = 25W According to Paul at TAD)
Apple TV = 20W (according to Apple)
DIP (Original) = 10W (according to back panel)
Tivo HD = 40W (according to tivocommunity)
Video Switcher = (don't know but could it be much?)
TV = 240W (according to manual)
McCormack DNA-1 Deluxe = 400 (according to SmCAudio)
TOTAL = 735W (certainly pushing it depending on the draw of the switcher)
I don't have all this on the xfrmr right now. Just the PRe/DAC, Apple TV, DIP, Video Switcher and Tivo. In your opinion, what would be the most beneficial strategy for using the iso? I guess I just threw everything on there that I thought it could take. Anyway, it is buzzing but I can only hear it when I put my head right up to it. Can'thear it from listening position at all. Just barely warm after running it all night. I have to admit, I was skeptical about how much difference this would make. But it is significant. Not night and day, but very noticeable. The only way I can describe is that everything is just so much more right sounding. Whatever that means.