Stereophile vs. Sports Illustrated

Today, I received two of my favorite magazines in the mailbox. I have to say, after a winter like we've had, it is nice to look at the swimsuit issue! Anyone else get a look? Enjoy guys.
I can always buy what's advertised in Stereophile. Not so much Sports Illustrated.
Marty, your (typically hilarious) post reminded me of a Valentine's Day tradition of a DJ at a local radio station here. Back to back, he'd play "Momma's Got a Squeebox", followed by "Pictures of Lily" - for those of you who have Valentines as well as those of you who don't...

And, is there a group of writers better equipped to do a "And, I'm not only the ABC president, I'm also a client" ad for those meds as the Stereophile staff?