Disappointing Evening

I had some dinner guest's over last evening. I had my main system warming up just in case there was some interest from them in audio. I have a second system that was playing when they arrived. It's a Bang & Olufsen BeoSound 9000 that my inlaws gave me a few years back. Well soon enough a couple of them were commenting about the good music, so I asked if they would like to hear my pride and joy system, mostly all tube gear that (IMO) looks pretty cool with all the tubes lit up and sounds way better than the B&O stuff. No interest at all in the tube system and they hovered around the B&O loving the way the glass door opened and the arm moved to each CD. Boy was I insulted, all the time, money and energy I have in my tube system!
I am tired of hearing about WAF and women having different priorities. It's a cliché that a lot of male "audiophiles" keep up. Why? I don't know, maybe they only know specific types of women for a reason. The fact is that most people don't care about good sound but the music itself and can't separate the sound from the music. This requires active listening and that can only be done as a singular activity. Most people's ears are not trained for this, they don't have the patience, are just not interested, or there are other reasons. And if we are talking about 95% of the population who doesn't care that also includes 95% of men. I know as many men as women who could never get excited about the gear. Any audiophile women out there who have a HAF or BAF problem?
Audiophile woman married to non-audiophile man, someone who couldn't care less about this stuff? She made a poor choice so she is bound to have many problems and "acceptance factors".

"are people so insecure that they want or need to impress ?"

You were being sarcastic with this question right? You weren't serious...tell me/us you really were kidding, right?

The human existence is a continual series of 'how to impress', whether its a car, a new dress, special make up, hair plugs, lyposuction, botox injections, a new fence, a new pool, a pool table, special wheels, losing ten pounds to fit into 34" waist again, (almost there)a new Jag, (best friend), naming a company after yourself,(guilty) buying artwork that, after a bit, like everything else, you don't even notice, using a smoother voice when you know it's a really good looking girl calling, sucking in your stomach when she first sees you, standing up straight, to show that you're actually 6'1", spending a long time picking out glasses.

Our (almost) entire economy is based on impressing others.

My question is, who DOESN'T?

Good listening,
my intent was neither sarcastic nor to be funny.

what i am saying is obvious. it's unfortunate that someone feels the need to impress someone.

i don't have such a need.

i am more inner directed and less other directed.

the superficial is most unimportant.

it is a matter of priorities in life.
Mrtennis, if you didn't have "such a need" you would not have written what you did. Think about it.
We all have this need.