Number of yrs. to reach the finished line?

Ten long years and way to much $$$ lost running sometimes backwards and sideways.

No more for me. I am very happy with the end result and can live a very long time with what I have built.

The Lampizator / Tenor was what brought me to the end and took the longing out of me for better sound.

What say you?
30 days.

Speakers have to stay as they are one of the few that will work in my room.

Cables stay as they have the sonic signature I want in my system

Dac is staying as it made my digital sound as good or better than my ex TT.

Tenor amps are as good or better than Atmasphere amps and the OTL amp is what works best with the Zu speakers.. They stay.

MM stays put.
Correct me if I'm wrong but didn't you used to own the Weiss Minerva? If so, I assume you prefer the Lamp. Can you briefly compare the two? I'm considering the Lamp dacs in the furture.
The trick is not to go backwards or sideways , you must move ahead to get the rewards this hobby has to offer .
The Weiss Minerva was SS sounding and had a narrow sound stage.
The Lamp is in another league. Sounds like my ex TT or better.

Demo for 7 days and hear the sound of a truly great sounding dac.
My quest will never stop for as long as I can hear at least a single note. That doesn't mean that I am going to spend a fortune though; just $500 on every piece on average including a set of isolation cones, no more.