NYC Show

I attended th Axpona NYC Show last and despite a disappointing number of exhitors and crowds I heard many excellent sounding rooms such as Rogue/Eggleston Works, Legacy/Coda, Pass/KEF, Linkwitz, Steinway, MBL, Emotiva, Unison Research/Opera and I am sure a few others I am forgetting to mention. I also enjoyed a few Video/Audio demonstrations in the Totem and Thiel rooms. To me it is a bargain to hear all of these great components for $25., espcecially with fewer and fewer brick and mortar high end audio stores. I would go back today, but I have family commitments, but I am glad I worked half a day yesterday and got to spend a good 6 1/2 hours at the show
i went yesterday. sound was generally ok. i did not find any rooms outstanding. many manufacturers were absent, and my favorite dealer, audio connection was not there.

draw your own conclusions as to the size of the show.

i was disappointed that i could not hear any panel speakers.

this show did not not compare well to the last stereophile show held years ago in nyc, in the hilton.

one note, the most cost effective system was a small tube-based three piece system of napa acoustics, consisting of a 25 watt hybrid integreated amp, a small tubed cd player and a mini monitor.
I was also there yesterday.

I didn't expect it to be that good a show, and that turned out to be the case. In fact, I think it was the weakest of any that I've attended. The venue itself was poor - antiquated, dirty, hot, and the 8th floor smelled horrible. Where I was (thankfully) wrong was that I figured it to be banged out beyond belief, as this was the first high-end audio show in the Northeast since 2007. Instead, the show was lightly attended. The problem was the configuration of the rooms was such that even a few people overwhelmed things.

There were a few good sounding rooms - the Rogue/Eggleston, Nightingale, the Danish Jetson's television looking (Davone) speakers driven by Italian (Absoluta) solid state amps, Joseph Audio, and Pass Labs/Kef were a few of note. There was something most definitely wrong with the MBL setup, as I've heard these components sound night and day better, and there just was no get up and go. Disappointing on a personal level was the fact that the Atma Sphere dealer, an exceptionally nice guy, wasn't playing the amps when we arrived, and when we returned maybe two hours later, they still weren't.
Hi Joe (Trelja),

I'm the Atma-sphere/TAD dealer who's room you were in (Triode Picture + Sound). I'm sorry you didn't get to hear the MA-1's on the TAD CR1's. We didn't have a set schedule of when we switched from solid state (TAD) to tube gear. This is the first show I've ever exhibited at (never realized how much work it is) and Andrew Jones was nice enough to fly in from LA to do the demos. The room was often so packed, and people so enthralled with Andrew's presentation that I had I to wait for the a bit of a lul to do the switch over.

But we did play the Atma's several times a day.

The next time you are in Manhattan, please stop by for a proper demo of the Atma-sphere's and the TAD CR1's.

Andrew Jones designed the CR1's, (which many people told me was their favorite sound of the show, but carry a hefty price tag) but he also designed the Pioneer EX series speakers, which I will soon have for demo as well (at a much more reasonable price) that also use a coincident driver, and should prove to have a nice amount of what the TAD's have to offer, and I've been told the Pioneer EX S-1EX definitely fits into that house sound Andrew has created.
Yes the tads were very nice I especially liked them with the atma's so natural and effortless I could listen to them forever.
Others I liked were the orions, italian panel speaker very life-like, Josephs were impressive but nothing can compare to the MBL's just outstanding. The mark 2 betters the 101 mark 1 by a small margin but nonetheless its better. When will the extremes come to the east coast I can't wait to hear them.
I just wanted to chime in with some inside info about the Axpona NYC show. From what I understand, the organizers had a very short time window to put the show together, and did an excellent job considering the time allotted. The show was part of CE Week (consumer electronics week) in NY, and Axpona was invited to be part of it, but they had to do it very quickly. I am sure the show will be bigger, better and more well attended next year. It was a huge success for us, (especially this being our first time exhibiting at a show), and we will definitely exhibit next year. I just hope to have time to hear more rooms than I did, since I was exhibiting rather than just attending as I did at the 2007 NYC show.