Designer Hall of Fame

There are many great designers out there, and especially in the lore from the golden age, but I'm not to familiar with them. I thought it might be interesting to discuss some of the great designers for engineering skill and knowledge, business integrity, and ultimatley quality of their products. My short list a "hall of fame" if you will of designers working today are:

Nelson Pass, Pass Labs
Charles Hansen, Ayre
Roger Modjeski, Music Reference
Ken Stevens, Convergent Audio Technolgy (CAT)
Kevin Hayes, VAC

and how could I leave Jeff Rowland off? Well it is a short list. Who would you nominate?
I would add Dan D'Agostino, Dave wilson and Bruce Brisson. Undeniably three giants in high end audio:O)
A.Stewart Hegeman (Stu) . H-K Citation 1 and 2 ,Dynaco Fm-1 and 3 ,Stromberg Carson labrynth speakers,some outstanding and even affordable speakers under the Hegeman Labs banner,but - mostly -he should be remembered for proposing that musical reproduction requires wide bandwidth - beyond the classic 20-20kHz hearing limit.
02-19-09: Plutos
Nelson Pass from Pass Labs is clearly most notorious but it seems that none have mentioned
Flemming E. Rasmussen - Gryphon

Plutos, I'm sure that this was a slip of the tongue, but I would not exactly say that Nelson Pass is notorious; Hitler was notorious, but I would call Nelson Pass noteworthy, an icon, one of the fathers of modern amplifiers, god-like...well maybe not godlike, but close to it.