I'm absolutely positive that it isn't possible to apply a product to a CD that will have any effect on the digital clock on the CD player. I'm also skeptical that it can make any difference in how the CD player spins the disk so how does it reduce jitter? At most it should a good cleaning product that could allow the laser to read the disk better eliminating any error correction from being necessary.
What am I missing?
not true! Shadorne has hit upon the correct explanation altho' he gave yet another cause for jitter creation:
If a disc wobbles while it spins then this may cause cyclical adjustments to the pick up laser servo and these repetitive draws on power may induce variations in the clock through the power supply.That's why that they have disk cutters (which re-cuts the outer edge of the disk with a sharp knife so as to smooth it & reduce/eliminate disk wobble).
You get the same random/spikey draws of current from the power supply when the laser light (trying to read the disk) reflects at funny angles off a dirty disk & after repeated reflections inside the laser transport box reaches the optical reader circuit. These multiple reflected rays of light are not the data from the disk but the optical reader knows no better & there are draws of current from the power supply as it tries to read this "data".
A power supply with lots of glitches tranfers these glitches to all the circuits are it is powering. So, in EE parlance we say that amplitude modulation (AM) on the power supply has created AM & PM (phase modulation) in the circuits being powered by that supply. Both AM & PM create jitter in the digital (music) signal being processed. This is one of the reasons you see multiple supplies in digital (CDP, transport, DAC, re-clockers) equipment & often it is prominently advertised. They are trying to prevent one corrupt sub-system from corrupting another...