Best steak to eat while listening to your rig?

One of life's little pleasures for me is grilling a nice steak, grabbing a satisfying Argentine Malbec or California Cabernet, and parking myself in front of my hi-fi for some musical enjoyment. It really doesn't get much better than this (unless it's raining or snowing outside -- that's icing on the cake).

So, what are your favorite home-cooked steaks and how do you prefer to prepare them? For me, I find that a ribeye or porterhouse from my local Wegman's is fantastic. I season it with Montreal steak seasoning and grill it for about 8 minutes per side (4 minutes in the 10 o'clock position and 4 minutes in the 2 o'clock position). I've played with grilling for less time and finishing in the oven, but don't feel it adds much.
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Porterhouse - period. You get the best of all worlds - filet mignon - strip steak and good music.

I agree with your statements and would add:

Prime cuts were more readily available in supermarkets then.

Today, while still available in regular groceries, the cost of feed, transport etc. take prime out of reach for many consumers. Because of the higher cost of the prime cuts they are almost exclusively offered in finer restaurants, few remaining butcher shops and boutique/upscale grocers.

Feed has changed over the years, which will effect the flavor of the beef. We've all heard the corn vs. grain fed beef debate.

Much cattle doesn't get the exercise it used to. Exercise increases blood flow in the muscle. The more work a muscle gets the more flavorful it becomes. In addition the greater amount of exercise increases the amount of fat in the lean, and as we all know the flavor is in the fat.

Many consumers are concerned with their intake of fat nowadays opting for leaner cuts of beef. These leaner cuts, by virtue of the grading system, are of a lesser quality costing less too. Responding to the demands of the market grocers are carrying leaner cuts. Prime being the best (most marbling), followed by choice, good and standard.

Sorry to ramble, just thought I'd share.



P.S. My favorite is a N.Y. strip medium rare :o)!
Elizabeth, since I'm a little under 40 I'm not sure exactly what grocery stores were like back then, but I can still find some mighty tasty steaks in some upscale grocery stores around. It works for me, anyway.

But I do agree with Elizabeth in liking the steak very rare. I had a girlfriend once that I took to a steakhouse in Chicago. When the waiter asked her, "How would you like your steak cooked?", she replied, "Still mooing." At that point, I knew she might be a keeper. I miss her.


One of my favorite food related movie lines is from the Marlborough Man.
Woody Harrelsons character when asked by the waiter how he'd like his steak done replied " Knock the horns off it, wipe it's ass and put it on a plate!"

