Best steak to eat while listening to your rig?

One of life's little pleasures for me is grilling a nice steak, grabbing a satisfying Argentine Malbec or California Cabernet, and parking myself in front of my hi-fi for some musical enjoyment. It really doesn't get much better than this (unless it's raining or snowing outside -- that's icing on the cake).

So, what are your favorite home-cooked steaks and how do you prefer to prepare them? For me, I find that a ribeye or porterhouse from my local Wegman's is fantastic. I season it with Montreal steak seasoning and grill it for about 8 minutes per side (4 minutes in the 10 o'clock position and 4 minutes in the 2 o'clock position). I've played with grilling for less time and finishing in the oven, but don't feel it adds much.
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the alternative to meat is not necessarily a veggie burger, rather it is a vegetable protein, such as nuts, tempe, all kinds of grains and beans.

all i am doing is trying to prevent someone from getting a heart attack.

talk to bill clinton if you can. he can tell you about his experiences of changing his diet. i believe he became a vegan.
Humans are made to eat meat, there is a very interesting docudvd called "Fathead" you guys should check it out!
Genesis 1:29: God said "I give you every seed bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food". Then we messed up. Fire up the grill Chadnliz.
If God didnt want us to eat meat why did he make it so damn delicious?
In the portrait of the last supper they are openly complaining that they like Eel with oranges and all but "wheres the beef"?
Yes its obvious Dave Thomas stole that line for his commercial use. ;)
Thinly sliced ribeye, a thin crusty roll, fried onions and a good melting cheese. Or what we colloquially call a Philly Cheesesteak wit.