All Amps Sound the Same....

A guy posted this on another forum:

"This is my other expensive hobby and while I agree with you about low end receivers, once you get to mid-priced (~$600-1000 street price) multichannel receivers you're into pretty good gear...Keep in mind that an amplifier sounds like an amplifier and changing brands should add or subtract nothing to/from the sound and that going up the food chain just adds power output or snob appeal to a separate amplifier...These days most audiophiles either use a good quality multichannel receiver alone or use a mid-priced multichannel receiver to drive their amps even for 2-channel."

Wow, where do they come up with this? Lack of experience?
hi russ69:

you are right about ears as an instrument, so long as you acknowledge that what you hear does not constitute knowledge, and what you hear is an opinion.

what you hear or what i hear cannot be proven.

what one hears is neither true nor false. it is also not a fact.
music is about the brain. there is plenty of music which is cerebral in nature, e.g., bach's well tempered clavier.

music need not induce an emotional response to be enjoyable.
****music need not induce an emotional response to be enjoyable.****

It is clear that when it comes to art, some of us live in different universes. Maybe that was a bit severe...different planets.

Venus and Mars
Isn't the ability to evoke an emotional response what distinguishes art from craftmenship?