Help understanding the new Stillpoints products

I have written Stillpoints directly and got no answer from them (a bad sign I guess), so I thought I'd ask here.

I have liked the still points cones and risers for many years. They are not right in every situation, but they are consistently an improvement in many applications, in my experience.

Now they've come up with a whole new set of products, and I don't know what to make of them.

For example, the new Ultras: the recent Positive Feedback review says that is you are only going to use them under one component, use them under your speakers. I would actually love to try them under my speakers. My current speakers have truly lethal spikes that come with them, and I have never been thrilled with them (nor have my hardwood floors, despite the Starpoint protectors I have underneath them).

Problem: the Sitllpoints website gives no information (that I could find) on how to attach the Ultras to a speaker.

Similarly, there are new Stillpoints that apparently, with new adapters they are selling, will screw directly into a component. I would very much like to try this with my CDP. I've never liked resting it on top of the stillpoints becuase it slides around too much. But the website does not make clear how to buy the adapters and how to size them.

I've been on various dealer's websites, and they don't offer any insights, and don't seem to be selling the adapters separately.

In short, based on my (perhaps ineffective) searching, I've been able to figure out exactly nothing about how to order the right set of Stillpoints products for my needs nor how to use them with my particular equipment.

Anyone's help would be most appreciated. Especially folks from Stillpoints or dealers who can help me figure out what I need AND then acquire the stuff.

Try SYMPOSIUM Roller Block or Roller Block JR work better, sound much better.Peter of SYMPOSIUM is always there to offer help and great advice.
I have just placed the Ultra SS under the Electrocompanient Nemo amps which are connected to the low frequency section of the German Physics Loreley speakers.The sound improvement was dramatic.
dgaylin..there is a very good review at '' by norm luttbeg. i bought the ultra ss and placed them under my tidal speakers using metric threads to attach them ..x 4 / speaker....i also bought 2 more sets of 4 and am using them under my chalice audio ' grail' amps..i think they are superb and the improvement was ramy said above..'dramatic' the will give you all the info you need...i think..