As much as I hate to say it, Its a good and bad thing.
I guess there will be more people actually exposed to a decent HI-FI and Theater.
With a little luck local dealers will be able to gain business by claiming "Well beat Best Buy" which will hopefully be possible as I'm sure B&W and Mcintosh are prestigious lines which demand a fair amount for their dealers. I cant see them just throwing away their whole dealer network to jump on a chain that while is doing good look at The Good Guys and Circuit City which have closed in the last 10 years as well as they closed down a good chunk of Magnolia Stores.
I find it somewhat hard to believe B&W would sell to Best Buy but then again they'll sell ALOT of $300 to 500 Speakers and small 5.1 systems (Not HTIB Im sure)
Heres to hoping for the best, A quick 6 month flash in the pan where it doesnt work but gets a bunch of people to get over to their local dealer come tax return time after they close down and forcing Best Buy to sell their gear to local dealers on the cuff at a discount to be passed on.
I guess there will be more people actually exposed to a decent HI-FI and Theater.
With a little luck local dealers will be able to gain business by claiming "Well beat Best Buy" which will hopefully be possible as I'm sure B&W and Mcintosh are prestigious lines which demand a fair amount for their dealers. I cant see them just throwing away their whole dealer network to jump on a chain that while is doing good look at The Good Guys and Circuit City which have closed in the last 10 years as well as they closed down a good chunk of Magnolia Stores.
I find it somewhat hard to believe B&W would sell to Best Buy but then again they'll sell ALOT of $300 to 500 Speakers and small 5.1 systems (Not HTIB Im sure)
Heres to hoping for the best, A quick 6 month flash in the pan where it doesnt work but gets a bunch of people to get over to their local dealer come tax return time after they close down and forcing Best Buy to sell their gear to local dealers on the cuff at a discount to be passed on.