I've been around for almost 10 years, always trying to be respectful of others but sometimes the tempatation is too great (please witness recent recording vinyl digitally thread). Early on Audiogon, it seemed there was always a decent population of senior members who could snap everyone to attention and get them back on topic.
I miss the interplay between Audiofeil and Bartokfan. That was always good for a laugh. It seems now that many newbies consider themselves incapable of learning something from someone else....they almost get offended when you tell them to go listen to music and different setups. Brick and mortar dealers are almost extinct so I fear more and more topics like "I have $2500 dollars to spend and what should I buy" will continue to populate these pages.
I know the economy has been tough but I think there is more to the exodus and inflow. There are alot of people coming into the hobby today who are pretty sure anyone with a vinyl rig also believes the world is flat. They can't believe digital nasties are in fact nasties. With that being said, digital today is better than ever and continues to improve. The "Boom Tizz" isn't as agressive on vinyl so it must not be as revealing they believe. Oh well. I am glad though that the youngsters are here and some are learning.
I miss the interplay between Audiofeil and Bartokfan. That was always good for a laugh. It seems now that many newbies consider themselves incapable of learning something from someone else....they almost get offended when you tell them to go listen to music and different setups. Brick and mortar dealers are almost extinct so I fear more and more topics like "I have $2500 dollars to spend and what should I buy" will continue to populate these pages.
I know the economy has been tough but I think there is more to the exodus and inflow. There are alot of people coming into the hobby today who are pretty sure anyone with a vinyl rig also believes the world is flat. They can't believe digital nasties are in fact nasties. With that being said, digital today is better than ever and continues to improve. The "Boom Tizz" isn't as agressive on vinyl so it must not be as revealing they believe. Oh well. I am glad though that the youngsters are here and some are learning.