Ayre AX-5 Integrated Amplifier

Any comments on the New Ayre AX-5 Integrated Amplifier? I know its list price is $10,000. Does anyone have any impressions on this unit that was recently released?
I just picked up an AX-5 to replace my AX-7e. I have to say the difference between the two is shocking. I did not expect such a dramatic and noticeable difference. The sound is so much better, it's almost like I'm listening to different speakers... much bigger and fuller soundstage, deeper low end and the vocals are more present and clear.

The Ax7e sounds downright thin in comparison. I was planning on doing an A/B test when I received the new integrated but frankly, they sound so different - I decided there was no point. My better half agreed.

I'll admit that I'm partial to the Ayre sound. Even so, the Ax-5 exceeded my expectations. I'm very happy with the purchase and would highly recommend you listen to this integrated. It's special.
I am looking at the AX-5 and the Rowland top integrated. Anyone compare the two?
The Ayre will give you the best of tube and SS. Just read the positive comments above. If your speaker can get better it will. I've heard so many products this year as I'm redoing my system. I left the tube world for good and bought the Ayre AX7e and even though folks feel it's thin, It really isn't. Only in comparison with the 10k AX5e ;).... I like Rowland stuff too, don't get me wrong. I just think the Ayre gets it right. I have heard the 5 at Audio Connection as Jonny has them on a few different speakers. I heard them on the Vandy 5s. I admit I liked the Ayre separates much better, but it wasn't so much better than I couldn't be very very happy with the 5 and save a ton of money, cables and pieces of gear. Yes, this can run anything within reason and just sound right.
Hi Bob, AX-5 and Rowland Continuum S2 are both fine integrated amps. I heard them both at RMAF. Based on my listening experience, depending on your sonic goals, and your musical preferences, you are likely to develop a strong preference for one over the other.... What music do you enjoy most, and what sound parameters are you looking to optimize? What is the rest of your system?

Regards, Guido