Jea48, I run them from the same wall outlet. So I have 2, really three with the SS bass amp, grounded devices on the same circuit. It is the best case, but I still get potential between any two of the amps. Individually, they are dead silent. I do suspect the issue is zero reference between the two, tube amps.
Hi Al. Thanks for tuning in cuz I'm just about over my head. :-) The Jesen paper is very good reference. Only difference is I think this is on the ac lines. Maybe I'm misinterpreting things. From my experiments, I get this hum regardless of interconnections between the amp inputs. Just having one of the other amps plugged in but not turned on or connected in any other way is enough to cause the hum. Still, it is cheap enough to try the audio isolators on the inputs. That may help convince me if more power side treatment will work or not.
Hi Al. Thanks for tuning in cuz I'm just about over my head. :-) The Jesen paper is very good reference. Only difference is I think this is on the ac lines. Maybe I'm misinterpreting things. From my experiments, I get this hum regardless of interconnections between the amp inputs. Just having one of the other amps plugged in but not turned on or connected in any other way is enough to cause the hum. Still, it is cheap enough to try the audio isolators on the inputs. That may help convince me if more power side treatment will work or not.