Top 10 Snafus to avoid when building a good rig

OK, I'm sure we'll come up with more than 10. Whatever.

Maybe I'll compile the top 10 once we get a few.

I'll start with my #1: avoid putting speakers that are too big in a room that is too small
Here are my Top Snafus that I've done. I know it is common sense to you all but it wasn't for me at the times.

1) Speaker placement and Room Treatments for your listening space.

2) Getting caught up in the hype/reviews/marketing of a product.

3) Rushing into buying something.

4) Overspending on repairs of vintage gear.

5) Rushing into making repairs/upgrades of vintage gear without doing some legwork first. Cleaning the item yourself first, doing a lot of critical listening, researching more on the net, etc etc.

6) Spending money on nicer equipment only to neglect spending some money on decent cabling.

7) Foolishly trusting pro audio techs or part stuffers to repair home audio gear.
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hi mapman:

i disagree with you about big speakers in a small room in this respect.

i like planar speakers.

so, i find that a big panel speaker in a small room, e.g, magnepan 20.1, will be preferred to almost any cone speaker, properly set up.

now, i'll agree that a large panel is optimized in a larger room, but it can still sound pretty good in a small room, ut not its best.

note not only room size counts, but room conditions are equally important.

i'll add one maxim:

sacrificing tonality for dimensionality.

her is one more "truism":

most components are not better than one another, just different.
The number one SNAFU to avoid, is buying into the Tenets of high-end audio. Once you do that, you are already lost.