Is there one item you have been wishing for?

Is there one piece of kit you have hankered after for some time, if only you had the cash, you did'nt need to help with the kids college fees, etc?

I'll tell you mine, the Dartzeel CTH-8550 integrated amp. I have heard it several times at various shows. It is fast transparent, but no edge or glare at all, almost tube like in it's best sense. I would definitely buy one if I had the cash, but even second hand, it is more than I could afford.

What's your dream buy?
I understand you asked about one component not the entire system.
Having one state of the art piece and junk by comparizon for the rest?
Well, I'll cheat a little. I would choose the best room I could find.
And without cheating, well, maybe LAMM reference amp.
That Swiss stuff would sound like junk by comparizon, by the way.
Elizabeth, let me help you approach your dream system.
Sell all the garbage that you have now. I mean all of it. It is garbage by your standards.
Then get used MBL speakers, used MBL integrated amp with phono, used Nottingham Spacedeck/Spacedeck table with new Dynavector MC or Garrott MM, and used CEC belt drive or Meridian cd player. Purist Audio and DiMarzio cables, some power cords.
If needed, sell some of the LPs and CDs which are not very valuable.
Then you'll have a sound.
But since for most people dreaming is better than having, you'll never do it.